Education ,
The automatic program trading project is a visionary endeavor that aims to bring clarity and understanding to the foreign exchange market. It provides a platform for investment and trading opportunities, empowering individuals to confidently participate in the global market and secure their financial future.
With a focus on education and advancement, this project is dedicated to demystifying the world of automatic program trading and helping individuals reach their full potential as informed and successful investors.
Team Members
Months of Project delivery time
The Challenge
- Implementing QR Code-based Attendance Recording
- Handling Database Migration with Different Encoding and Structure
- Providing Instant Updates for Expert Advisors and Tools
- Ensuring User Authentication on Third-Party Trading Tools
- Displaying Real-time Trading Profit and Loss on the Platform.
The Solution
- Implemented necessary libraries to make the attendance recording via QR code work seamlessly in the admin panel.
- Migrated all the data from the old database to the new one, including password hash management for different UTF encodings.
- Created VPS machine creation for every new user to ease the installation process.
- Created a validation process to authenticate GMES-FX users with MT4.
- Used Data Scraping scripts running on AWS to display real-time trading profit and loss on the platform, leveraging MQL programming in MT4.
Key features
- Automated Program Trading using MT4 and MT5
- User-friendly Report Generation Tools
- VPS Automation and Software Installation
- Real-time Activity Tracking
- Referral Benefits for Members and Tools Access
Tech stacks we used
We utilized a variety of cutting-edge technologies and frameworks to develop an automated trading platform, including:
C++, Python, Node, React
Express, Electron.js, React
node cron, Nodemailer, AWS-s3, AWS-lambda
Tools & Utilities
NPM, JSON, REST, pm2, mt4
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Our success stories
Over the years, Peerbits have delivered several customized solutions to their clients across the globe. You can get a closer look at few of such success stories here.