Manufacturing ,
Peerbits came up with yet another successful mobile application. This time we made an application for our client which is a giant construction and infrastructure company based in Hong Kong. They wanted us to build an application that would enable simple and efficient management of their staff, project, and many more.
We came up with an application that allows the user to view all the projects which are assigned to him/her. The project details are added by the admin or the sub-admin. The user can trade (category) of the project along with the application with keys. The user can also edit and add application details but he/she can’t change the application title.
The Challenge
- Earlier the client used to face many challenges like they didn’t know who will be working on which project. Moreover, they faced difficulty in assigning the projects to sales and engineering teams and to keep a track of various projects and information. Client also wanted to cluster Google Maps along with colored polygon for various projects on the map.
The Solution
- To overcome all the business challenges faced by the client we came up with this application on both iOS and Android. With this application the user can do multiple tasks on a single app such as see all the project information, track progress of each department, and assign work to any group or individual. Moreover, the app also allowed to add, remove, and manage people form any project.
Key features
Map view & list view
The user can view all the projects on the map as well as on the list. On the map the user can zoom in to see more details about the project and its exact location.
Clustering and colored polygon
The map is divided into colored polygons for each region. Moreover, the clustering helps the users to see the total number of tasks performed in a region.
Create multiple applications
Let’s assume that a user is assigned with three applications, but he/she feels that it needs to add a few more applications. In such cases he/she create multiple applications.
Trade helps to classify all the applications under various categories. The categories are broad and makes it easier for the user to bifurcate different applications.
Manage installer
If you’ve assigned five workers for a task; but, only three of them are working and two are free as their task haven’t begin. In such cases you can assign work to those two unoccupied workers.
The application is bilingual. It means that it’s available in two languages which are English and Simplified Chinese.
- The app was highly appreciated by the client and their employees as it made their operations smooth, fast, and efficient.
Technology stack
Swift, Java
Xcode, Android studio
Crash Reports
Network Request
Crash Reporting
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Our success stories
Over the years, Peerbits have delivered several customized solutions to their clients across the globe. You can get a closer look at few of such success stories here.