

Airlines ,

A global aviation solutions provider from Lisbon reached out to Peerbits. They deal with worldwide aircraft leasing, aviation consulting, and asset management services. Due to multiple databases and system lags they struggled in offering seamless experience for their passengers during Airline Disruption. Therefore, they sought a comprehensive solution that could streamline the management of their flight operations & inventory, sufficing passenger requirements and offering them appealing choices.

They partnered with Peerbits due to our excellent records of custom application development solutions and technical expertise required for different project & data aspects.

The Challenges

  • Data synchronization across multiple databases: The airline’s existing system used numerous databases, making it challenging to keep data synchronized across all systems in real time.
  • Minimizing system slowness: Frequent data updates and synchronization led to system slowdowns, especially during peak times for the airline. Handling large volumes of data efficiently was a significant challenge.
  • Dynamic care package allocation: The airline struggled to determine the appropriate care package based on the type and severity of flight disruptions due to lack of a robust decision-making engine.
  • Time-sensitive operations: The airline industry is highly time-sensitive, necessitating an always-on, reliable system to ensure uninterrupted service and high availability.

The Solution

  • Automated schema synchronization: We designed a schema that automatically syncs data across the airline’s multiple databases at regular intervals. Our synchronization logic is optimized to update only the necessary records, reducing the risk of system slowdowns.
  • Efficient batch processing: The system processes, care package allocations in batches, ensuring that the decision-making engine remains fast and responsive. This approach allows for seamless service delivery without compromising on speed or accuracy.
  • Robust microservices architecture: To guarantee uptime and scalability, we have implemented a microservices-based architecture. This allows the system to handle high loads and ensures that critical services remain operational even during peak demands.
  • Real-time decision engine: Our solution includes a dynamic engine that evaluates flight disruptions in real-time, determining the appropriate care package for each situation. This ensures that passengers receive timely and relevant support without delays.

Key features

  • Flight management: To handle all details of disrupted flights.
  • Passenger management: To handle passengers based on group or individual PNRs
  • Message queue: A service to send mail and SMS to the disrupted passengers to offer care packages.
  • Inventory management: For managing a variety of travel packages including hotel rooms, taxis, meals, and food coupons.
  • Package management: For users, who can select or generate a package based on their needs within the offering care limit. ( Accommodation, Transportation, Food etc )


  • Improved speed and accuracy in the services
  • Reduced risk of system slowdowns.
  • Increased infrastructure scalability during peak hours
  • On-time and relevant customer support without delays.
  • Provide Customer satisfaction with different offer of packages.

Tech stacks we used





Other service

Celery, AzureServiceHub


MySQL , Oracle


Django, AzureServiceHub, Celery, Experta