
Get Stuff Delivered, Instantly



Delivering almost anything in minutes. we developed perth’s first delivery app

As soon as the idea of developing an EPIC app was brought to us by Ryan O’Sullivan, we were sure of making his dream come true. Well, Epic Delivery is a new service that allows you to have anything you want from nearby merchants, delivered to you in minutes. It’s a super-fast, affordable, and convenient delivery service like no other.

Tell us your delivery address, and we’ll allow you to search and select from any merchant around you. Epic Delivery App Screen showing a built-in menu from one of our partner merchants Browse menus from some of your favourite merchants! Don’t worry tho if we missed one of them, you can quickly type out an order from any merchant using our custom order flow


Development goals & Objectives


To let user place orders easily


Providing secured payment gateway


Integrating Order Tracking system for users


Providing order management tools to driver


Increase user/driver interactivity through chat options


To increase the reach by deploying referral code systems

Pickup and Drop

First thing first, EPIC being a delivery-driven app we developed a pickup and drop model. This was made possible by integrating one touch pickup and delivery buttons for enhanced UI

Epic Banner

Choosing an item from the cart

With navigation spanning across two touches, we developed an intuitive design for selecting deliverables from the list. Integrating multiple deliverables with ‘add new’ button we decked up the exit screen for UX over here.


Defining the epic design

With delivery based app in making, it was the task for synchronizing the backend perfectly which can go hand in hand with design.

UI is something which plays a vital role in application development. Therefore our first task was to define a design pathway which is smooth and effective. And for the same reason, we integrated. Trigger buttons as a part of design to minimize the load-time while at the same. Time contributing towards improving App efficiency.

UX is the key to success of app and in process of developing EPIC app we contribute to raise the bar of UX. For this we had to effectively manage the design layout with its functionality. Placement of icons and trigger buttons along with the app navigation was not an easy task. But it was here, we were firm on our delivery standards and therefore ended up creating a 4+ rated iPhone App Store app.


1. Place an order

Here the innovation in design led to integrated menu at navigation. This allowed users to choose from wide range of menu items and freedom to place an order from the same page itself. This one page menu scroller became one of the three-click touchpoints.


2. Payment option

Here, the user is redirected to payment page where they are availed with payment options for the delivery. The payment is simple, involving 2 step process where user is redirected to PayPal’s payment gateway and then its PayPal who does all the job.


3. Track order

This is the very important step where once the user has placed an order, they have the power to track their order. We integrated GPS tracking system here where clubbing the same with driver’s location will give exact details about item’s expected delivery time as well as the facility to track the live moment. This enables users to check the order status more precisely.


4. Live chatting option

We incorporated live chatting options whereby user can chat with the deliverer and also with the EPIC admin. This feature allows user to contact directly to driver in case of any urgent and important information needs to be communicated. This also sends alert to driver.

Job search

This was first navigation page for those who are willing to take up the deliverer’s job over the Epic.

This page lands hordes of delivery opportunities up for the grab. This is collected on the basis of orders placed by users. Here we integrated the proximity feature also which helps driver to gauge the delivery and pickup distance. One touch – and driver can pick up the delivery job.


1. Accept order

We deployed the best of 3 driver methodology where nearest driver will get the notification about the delivery along with pickup point and delivery address. And same, on the basis of proximity, two other distant drivers are given some time to accept the order. If not accepted, the order the order gets open to all drivers.


2. Availing live chat

Driver has the option to avail the live chat with either the EPIC team admin or users. They can be can contacted for order-change or pass on any additinal requirement for order at any point of time. Any editing from user's end will notify driver. While using Chat option, the user will get an alert on driver’s message.


3. Order delivery

Once the order is completed driver is notified with the delivery completion notification. This will alert the user as will the driver about the delivery status. Driver gets additional 7 minutes to deliver the order in case of traffic reason. Once driver presses that 7 minute button, user is notified. But after the order is picked up, this screen shows how much time will a driver take to reach to delivery address.


4. Order completion

For the security purpose, we integrated PIN verification for delivery confirmation. This is where the driver’s and customer’s pin are matched and once done – the order is completed. It is after this, the payment towards driver’s wallet is initiated and it is here where customer is given chance to contact EPIC for customer support.

Integrating e-Wallet system in the epic delivery app

One of the major task was integrating smooth payment system.

With implementation of PayPal we found a way to provide users, the ease of transaction. Also we blended PayPal Mobile and card.io with the EPIC e-wallet for crediting and managing driver earnings.


Engineering challenges

Referral and discounts were incorporated and managed in the EPIC delivery app by backend using third party. The front end developers from our side receives the API code and then the same is shared on social circles. Due to client’s strict norms of managing referral codes from backend, our task was to integrate social media and emails from front end to validate the codes.

A little tricky part from developing perspective was to manage and regulate payment option. This was done by using stripe payment gateway to smoothen the credit card payments. While card.io library was used for integrating PayPal. For implemented stripe API in a 3-step process of generating customer id, generating token for the payment, and payment deduction. While for PayPal, we plucked our resources through PayPal SDKS.

Design and developing seamless dynamic screen was one of the complex part in the process of EPIC app development. As there are structured menus and multiple options to select from, the task was to make the entire order – delivery process, easy.


We successfully pushed this australian startup at par with the industry startups by developing and delivering this unparalleled mobile applications. this mobile app arrayed itself in the app store platter for the perth users and it is winning hearts across the australia now.


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