Let’s face it: A few years back, the hospital was an intimidating place for the patients. Understanding the medical terms, consulting the doctors, and staying in the stressful environment was quite challenging. But, with the passing time, the scenario is completely changed.
The healthcare industry started focusing on the digital solutions which are not only transforming the hospital patient experience, while also made accessing the health information easier.
Presently, the astronomical growth of mobility solutions is changing the face of the healthcare industry and have become the natural extension of healthcare industry.

According to the Market Research Engine, “The healthcare mobility solutions market will grow at a CAGR of 28.0% by 2023.”
It signals the mHealth apps engineered adhering to HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) regulations have become all-imperative to improve patient care.
Let’s take a look at how the integration of mobile applications makes the patient care in the hospital better:
1. Making patient’s records go paperless
Searching the health records in the shelves of the hospital is a tedious task and sometimes, a little delay in the information proves to be fatal for the patient. That’s where digitizing the patient’s data is a panacea.
The complete health records like- X ray, vitals, prescriptions, medical history, previous consultations and discharge notes of the patients is stored centrally in the hospital information system and become accessible to the physicians on mobile.
The handy access to the patient’s clinical data is revolutionary for emergency consultations. Moreover, the physicians can make the changes in the health records, so that the patient’s health data always remain updated.
According to the BMJ Quality & Safety study, “Replacing paper health records with electronic health records have reduced the death rates by 15 percent.”
The Medical Practice Management Software is an add-on wherein capturing the patient’s health data, appointment scheduling, automated billing and report generation is viable at one place.
2. Patient’s management digitally
Increasingly, the hospitals are integrating Patient Management software so that physicians can check the patient’s previous health records, examine the current health status and suggest the lab tests to perform at the fingertips.
Also, health diagnosis apps enable the measurement of blood pressure, heart rate, glucose level, visual activity and pretty more in a matter of seconds.

According to Manhattan research, “The reliance on electronic resources reduces the clinical decision-making time by half, minimizes the cost involved in treatment and decreases the unnecessary procedures that have to be performed.”
Besides, there are medical calculator apps which inform the physicians about risk score after entering certain parameters. These are time-inexpensive and proved to be error-free in a fast-paced clinical environment to produce reliable results.
Consequently, more lives can be saved with handy diagnosis, risk score determination, and speedy clinical decision-making.
3. Communication and consulting becomes easier
In the hospital, there are multiple locations such as inpatient wards, clinics, outpatient services, labs, intensive care units, operation theater, which needs to be connected.
The mobile application development allows the people in the hospital to connect and collaborate off the bat through text, email or video call, which simplify and speed up the treatment.
For instance: The information from labs can be rapidly communicated to the physicians in the operation theater without needing to wait for a person to physically bring the reports from the labs.
The nurses in the inpatient wards can immediately consult the physician so that no time gets wasted and better medical decisions can be taken in the emergency cases.
Furthermore, there are some healthcare apps like MediCal that enable quick consultation, diagnosis and prescription from the physician through video conference remotely. The remote treatment works like a hospital in the pocket for the people.
4. Optimize the nursing activity
Nurses in the hospital find it difficult to remember the shifts, update with the tasks, attend patients and provide prescriptions which impact patient care.
The cohesive mobile application for nurses helps in the better management of the patient’s medicinal schedule that enable faster recovery and improved patient care.

NurseAlert app is a magic bullet that’s brilliant in keeping the nurses up-to-date with shift management, never let the nurses forget to attend the patient and provide medicine on time through pill reminders, and other tasks can also be assigned and reminded to them. Additionally, nurses can create and set the automated reminders for the repeated tasks.
5. Telemedicine
In this medium healthcare services are provided without visiting patients. This technology is generally used for follow-up visits, chronic diseases, special consultations where a personal visit to a doctor is not possible like a patient living in an isolated area and needing emergency treatment.
In that case, the doctors available can share appropriate information like X-rays, Scans, etc and patients can receive quick help in diagnosis and treatment.
The final words
The deep penetration of the mobile apps is transforming the way patients are given medicinal treatment in the hospital and addressing all the challenges the healthcare industry is facing.
Many healthcare giants have leapfrogged in the healthcare industry embracing advanced mobility solutions for better patient care. Then, what are you waiting for? Do you also want the hospital to deliver the best care to the patients?
If so, get partnered with Peerbits team where the best-in-class mHealth solutions and Wearable health apps Solutions are engineered that lets you make great strides.